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Your child’s reading experience is much more than the reading book which comes home from school. Reading is happening all the time in a classroom and in school. It is taught in specific reading and English lessons, but children are practising and using their ‘reading’ constantly across all subjects too.

A child’s ‘reading journey’ begins with ‘learning to read’ and moves on into ‘reading to learn’. This advice will help you to understand how reading is taught and developed.

Statutory requirements for teaching reading

All schools have to follow an agreed curriculum in the teaching of reading (and other subjects).
Follow these links to find out more:

  • England: The National Curriculum 2014.

CBeebies Bedtime Stories

Enjoy watching well-known public figures read a variety of stories. You could watch a video at bedtime or during time together and discuss what you have listened to. Find them here:

At Lockerley we aim to provide a balance in our reading curriculum of opportunities for children to be read to, read with and read by themselves:

Reading with…


Reading to…

Reading by…

Small group and guided reading

Guided Reading takes place on a daily basis in all classes. During these sessions, the class teacher and LSA read with a different group a day. The other children are either reading with an additional adult or completing a task around the text.


Whole class shared reading

All English writing units have a key text driver. This is a high quality text which the writing is based around. This book is shared with the class through whole class shared reading. The text will be used as a WAGOLL to support the children with their own writing.


1:1 Reading

Children have been identified who need to be read with on a daily basis with an adult. This could be because they did not pass the Phonic Check, they are Pupil Premium or that they are not meeting ARE in Reading.


Reading Intervention ‘Switch On’

Children, who are not meeting ARE, are identified to work with an adult on Switch On. This is a daily programme of reading with an adult. It has shown to increase the reading age of the pupil within 12 weeks.


Reading Breakfast

One Thursday a month, children are invited into school early at 8:15 with their parent to share a book together and have a breakfast. Certain families are targeted with an email invite but the breakfast is open to everyone by signing up the day before.

Class Story

Every class has a class book which the teacher reads to the children on a daily basis. There is a poster on each class door which says the book the class are reading.


Book Club

Once a week a book club is run by Y5 children for KS1 children to attend. During the session, which takes place at a lunch time, the Y5 children read a book to KS1 children and then the KS1 children complete an activity around the book.


Reading Buddies

Children have been identified to have a reading buddy once a week. All children who are reading are not meeting ARE, their buddy will either be a Pupil Premium child or not have passed the Phonic Check themselves. 


Everyone Reading In Class – this happens each day in class. All children read a book of their choice for 10 minutes in class.



All children go to the school library once a week to get a book to enjoy at home.


Reading in the wider curriculum

Children have many opportunities to apply their reading skills in the wider curriculum.


Book Bingo

Each term the children take part in the book bingo. Over the term there are a number of different genres and authors to read at home in order to achieve the bingo. If they are able to get all 3 book bingos they are awarded a badge at the end of the year. 

All of these activities build motivation of pupils, develops their vocabulary, models fluency, builds background knowledge and cultural capital, develops communication and a shared reading history that can be referenced and reading books planned across the year builds cultural capital.
