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Spring 2

Emperors explored how litter may move and travel as we begin our Mocumentary based on The Majestic Plastic Bag. The children enjoyed watching or making the litter float, fly, roll, etc This helped to develop our vocabulary before we started our write.

The children have been learning programming this week using Crumble, it allows for light, music, buzzers and motor circuits to be programmed. The children really enjoyed the ability to make their own disco.

We have been investigating volume and how measurement has changed between Imperial and Metric units.

Emperors designed and built their seismographs to measure earthquakes. We were fortunate that Junipers were able to help us test our monitors.

Swallowtails and Emperors classes created a display inspired by Holocaust Memorial Day

As a class we have been discussing how we can show kindness to others. We have looked at our school value ' courage' for the week and discussed how sometimes we need to be brave to speak up for others. The children were introduced to Brian the Bear, who was our actor for the day. He helped us understand that just because people can't hear what we say or see what we do the effects of being unkind can affect all of those involved.

As part of our Geography we have been investigating earthquakes. The children have researched; how they are caused, the effects of an earthquake, how we measure them, the initial response to the disaster, where they occur etc. The outcome of their learning was an explanation poster.
