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St. John's Church

As a school we work in close partnership with our church - St John's. Our Vicar, James Pitkin is very much a part of our school community and are always available to listen and encourage both children and staff. James not only plays a key strategic role as a Foundation Governor, but the school benefits from his pastoral care for the children, staff and community. 


Each week Vicar James visits our school for Collective Worship. The children are very much involved in this, whether it is participating in the stories told, reading the prayer or readings. These times of worship are very special and provide all children with the opportunity to engage in worship at an age appropriate level. They also provide children with the chance to be still, quiet and reflective on things that are important in life to them. 


The major Christian festivals are always celebrated in church and within school. As well as this, each year group has the opportunity to share a value or a theme within the church that they have prepared and planned whilst at school.


We regularly visit the church as part of our RE learning which the children enjoy because they are allowed to view areas that they may not be able to during a normal church worship. It is a fantastic resource, which we are very proud of, to have on our doorstep.


Our Vicar
