Child Protection Procedures
Safeguarding our children
It is no accident that an entire page is dedicated to safeguarding on our website. It is the single most important thing that our staff and school community do on a daily basis. Keeping your children safe from harm is absolutely critical whether it be in the classroom, on the playground, a school visit or a residential. It is rightly high on the Governors agenda.
Safeguarding starts small - an adult to talk to, someone to share a worry with; it's a basic need being met by all the adults in the setting.
All our staff, governors and volunteers, including car drivers, are DBS checked and a record kept of their details. As part of their critical friend role, the full governing body amend and approves the child protection and safeguarding policy annually and staff receive training annually too. This ensures that we are all up to date with the most current best practice and so all we can to safeguard your children from harm. Each year, the governor with responsibility for safeguarding, audits the safeguarding provision with the Headteacher and submits a return to County.
DSL: Mrs Katy Kwiatek (Headteacher)
DDSL: Mrs Alex Clark (Assistant Headteacher)
DDSL: Mrs Caroline Grayson (Family Support, HLTA & ELSA)
Keeping Children Safe in Education - Sept 22
Child Protection Policy Sept 22
Safeguarding Policy Sept 22
Prevent Duty
All our school staff are trained in the Prevent duty and know how to spot the signs of radicalisation and extremism in response to the Government's drive to implement the Prevent Duty in schools.
By reinforcing and teaching about the British Vales, we aim to prevent the radicalisation and extremism we are watching for. Trips to places of worship linked to all faiths, meeting visitors of a difference culture and race and those with views different to our own but from our own culture are all a key part of primary education in generally, children are fascinated by this and want to know and understand more.
Whilst this is extremely rare, if you have any concerns about any child or adult who you suspect might be at risk of radicalisation, there is a dedicated team in Hampshire who deal with all aspects of the Prevent duty. If can be accessed in:
via email:
prevent.engagement@hampshire.pnn. (this mailbox is not constantly monitored so any immediate concerns should be reported by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency)
via phone (children) 0300 5551384
via phone (adults) 0300 5551386