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PE Curriculum Intent


Our curriculum at Lockerley Primary School encompasses the following aims to meet the needs of our children and the PE curriculum is a vehicle to bring these aims to life:


ACTIVE - Provide richness and depth to inspirational learning in school Children are active for 80% of their PE lessons which are centred around the core skills of balance, agility and control. A clear progression of skills enables the children to apply these skills in a wide variety of physical activities.


EXPERIENCES - Provide a breadth of opportunity out of school whilst rooting children in their immediate and local environment Through our Test Valley Sports programme children have access to a wide range of sporting festivals and competitions based at different venues around the area. Sporting clubs and personalities inspire the children to experience different activities.


DIVERSITY - Build cultural awareness & knowledge to encourage children to be outward looking and forward thinking Children access a wide variety of sports that are suited to different cultures and different skills. They learn how to adapt core skills to enable them to participate in any sport that they would like to. Using real athletes and sports fixtures as examples of a future in sport enables the children to see relevance as well as clear progression and signposting.


PURPOSE - We believe learning should matter Making meaningful learning is central to our teaching. Learning journeys are made clear to the children with an outcome we are working towards and the steps along the way. We have developed ‘real life’ opportunities for children to share their work.

PE Curriculum Implementation


EYFS planning is matched to age and stage appropriate curriculum. The focus is on children being able to control large and fine movement skills across balance, travel and object control. Provision is put into their everyday learning be it through the Fit to Write programme or in their outside provision where they are encouraged to explore and challenge themselves whilst accessing a range of different resources and equipment. They are able to work collaboratively sharing ideas and following simple rules and instructions.


PE is taught throughout the year, and as the key foundation subject it is allocated two afternoons per week for in depth study. Teachers plan from the National Curriculum objectives alongside the Hampshire PE Skills. Each year group has a long term plan which outlines the learning journeys to be covered referring to the units in the National Curriculum. This is a progressive cyclical learning approach where learning is revisited over the course of each Key Stage, deepening their understanding each time. Each learning journey is central to the teaching and this is made clear to the children. This will incorporate all the skills they will be learning within the unit, therefore children are able to understand how one lesson builds on another within the journey. By presenting our learning in this way, and allowing children the opportunity to deepen their understanding by focusing on PE throughout the year, children have opportunities to explore different ways to move their bodies and control objects.

We develop children with the following essential characteristics to help them lead healthy and active lives:

  • Develop respect for their bodies
  • Be confident to take part in physical activity
  • Be competent in a range of physical skills
  • Be open minded to the various talents of each and work cooperatively with others

Within a PE lesson the teacher will often use split inputs and peel away groups. Planning is flexible to the learners needs and can run over a course of a few sessions. There will be a key task which has variations of this task to support and scaffold and to deepen learning. Children are encouraged to self-select the tasks and resources depending on their confidence level.

PE language is scaffolded in each class with key vocabulary displayed on the working wall. Teachers model the use of this language in their teaching. Stem sentences are used to support the use this key vocabulary. We also strongly believe that within our curriculum skills should be developed alongside knowledge. Therefore we have a set of core skills at the centre of our curriculum which underpin everything we do. These build progressively as the children move through the school.

  • To seek out and enjoy challenges
  • To ask questions to extend thinking
  • To collaborate with others
  • To overcome barriers by trying out alternative and adapting or developing ideas
  • To assess themselves and others
  • To show commitment and perseverance
  • To connect ideas and experiences in different ways
  • To generate ideas and explore possibilities.


PE Curriculum Impact

Assessments are made by the teachers continuously and used to plan subsequent lessons. Tapestry is used within EYFS to record observations and assessments. This shares learning with parents and we encourage parents to share learning from home through this platform. Live marking within lessons drives immediate feedback and adaptations to learning. If feedback is given after the lesson, feedback time is given at the start of the next lesson. Teachers track individual progress on assessment sheets which identify children not achieving Age Related Expectations and those exceeding them. This provides information for the pitch of teaching in the next term.
