Sport Relief
Sport Relief 2020
Plans are under way by the SSOC for another fab fundraising day which will take place on Friday the 13th March. Check back here soon for further information and downloadable sponsorship forms.
Sport Relief 2018
Wow! What a fabulously active day the children have had taking part in a variety of activities from a wheelathon to a dancethon with a bit of a bake off with a twist thrown in for good measure.
All the children worked super hard both before the day raising sponsorship money and learning all about being healthy, and on the day tackling the 'athons' with awesome vigour and enthusiasm.
Of course none of this would be possible without the support of our lovely school community. Whether you helped nag for sponsorship, invented a new fruit or vegetable cake, transported a wheeled vehicle to school or simply came and supported the children on the day, it didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. It wouldn't have been possible without you.
A special thanks must go out to the SSOC who organised the day from start to finish under the watchful eye of Bronze Ambassadors Grace and Freddie. From the paperwork to the dance routine the team were responsible for it all.
Another special thanks also to Mr Dodson and Nanny for being brave enough to taste the cakes without knowing the ingredients beforehand!
Thanks everyone for a superb day - a fundraising total will be announced next week.