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School Events

Singing Club had an amazing time at our Young Voices concert at the Ovo Wembley Arena. We loved singing in a choir of 4609 children, especially 'Birdhouse in your soul' and 'Pop Medley'!

For Children's Mental Health Week, all children at school took part in a range of activities. They tried yoga, dancing, doodling, thinking about their emotions, and building their own 'Islands of Personality' inspired by 'Inside Out'.

Thank you to everyone who supported Chess Evening - some very competitive games were played! ♟Thanks in particular to Mr McCann for organising the evening!

Today Swallowtails and Emperors rolled up their sleeves and got digging.  In the space of just 2 hours the children planted 93 native British hedgerow plants at the far end of the school field. The hedge looks small now but in just a few years time it should grow up and out to form a wonderful habitat for birds, insects and possibly some mammals such as hedgehogs, mice and voles.

This planting was made possible with the help from Ellie and Yolande from the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England. They donated the plants, came in to explain the importance of hedges to the whole school in an assembly and delivered lessons to Swallowtails and Emperors on why hedges are so vital for wildlife.

All the children put 100% into the planting and are committed to looking after the hedge for future generations of pupils at the school to enjoy too.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Christmas Church Service. All of the children took part, sharing their RE learning, the Nativity story and lots of hymn singing!

Our whole school walked through the village to spread some Christmas cheer and sing carols at Greenview Care Home.

Thank you to everyone who supported the 'Friends of Lockerley School' Festive Fun Run, with some amazing effort going into the Christmassy costumes!

Thank you to joined us at our Christmas Fair, supported by 'Friends Of Lockerley School'. We had lots of stalls, games created by Emperors Class and the chance to share a story with Father Christmas himself!

Thank you to everyone who took part in our 'Be Bright Be Seen' day organised by our Junior Road Safety Officers. This is to remind us to wear bright, reflective clothing to make sure that we're seen in the dark!

Snow - what a rare sight! The whole school enjoyed playing in the snow in our school grounds.

Thank you to everyone who donated to our 'Operation Christmas Child' shoebox appeal to send gifts to children around the world who are less fortunate than us. We were able to send 4 boxes from the school, with Maisie donating her own box too.

We wore Odd Socks to help us remember to celebrate everyone's differences and show respect to support Anti-Bullying.

Interfaith Week 

This week we are celebrating Inter-Faith week. Each class will be learning about a different religion including Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. Meadows classroom has been turned into a prayer space and each year group will get the opportunity to visit the prayer space and take part in the activities set up. Keep an eye out for more photos throughout the week.

Remembrance - the whole school took part in a Remembrance Collective Worship and created art work which was displayed at St John's Church

Thank you for joining us on Saturday morning in Bentley Woods to build dens. It was lovely to see you enjoying being outside in nature. Thank you also to Emperors Class for making the delicious flapjacks!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our end of half term Celebration of Learning! It was really exciting to see so many family members, and members of Lockerley community, celebrating the children's hard work.!

Thank you to everyone who entered the FoLS (Friends of Lockerley School) pumpkin carving and drawing competition. We were so impressed by the creativity of the designs!

Harvest Festival - our whole school gathered to celebrate our Harvest Festival, led by Emperors Class who shared a Bible story, prayers and poems. Skippers and Admirals also performed 'Cauliflowers Fluffy' and we all sang Hymns together. Donations will be given to Romsey Food Bank.

Year 6 Leavers 

Today we said Goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 children. At the Leavers Service at the Church, we heard their memories and awarded the End of Year Awards. We are incredibly proud of each of you and will miss you lots. 

Thank you to the Friends of Lockerley for sponsoring the Year 6 Leavers Hoodies

House Captains Day - the whole school enjoyed House Captains Day where we tried some new and unusual sports. We warmed up with some group dances, then tried Quidditch and the Paralympic sport Boccia. We all finished the morning with some Cosmic Yoga in our classes. What a fun morning!

Rounders - the whole school enjoyed an inter-house rounders competition in the sunshine!

Outdoor Learning Day - The whole school enjoyed an outdoor learning afternoon helping to look after the school grounds, whittling and building dens!

Sports Day - All children enjoyed Sports Day, taking part in lots of different sports including throwing, jumping, cardio and target. They also all competed in a variety of track events. Special shout out to all that competed in mum, dad and pre-school races!

Village Walk - Our whole school went on a walk around the woods in Lockerley, finishing with a picnic lunch at Hampshire Christian Trust Camping Site. We had a great time, despite the wet weather!

Swallowtails and Emperors classes have been very busy this week performing Mary Poppins Junior. All children were involved in the production joining in group numbers like 'Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious'! Thanks to all of the adults that supported the children, especially Sue Tatnall for all of the incredible costumes. We are really proud of all of the children for putting on such an amazing show!

D-Day - Everyone at Lockerley school learned about the significance of D-Day, commemorating the 80th anniversary on 6th June in Collective Worship. We enjoyed looking at photographs taken at the US Army Depot which was based in the village. Junipers class and Swallowtails class designed memorial medals, while Emperors Class wrote information texts, and diaries from the point of view of the soldiers.

Spirituality Week - All of the children spent the week learning about the concept of spirituality. We took part in a number of activities throughout the week like litter picking, art and creating our new spiritual garden, which was blessed by Vicar James. We are really proud that our work from this week is on display at St John's Church.

Visiting artist - Abstract artist Hannah Christie visited our school and worked with all of the children to create art pieces to represent their Houses. We used a range of mediums including natural items, buttons, sponges and paintbrushes to create different textures.

Easter - We have enjoyed celebrating Easter with a PTA competition for Easter bonnets, cakes and crafts, our Easter Service at Church, Easter egg hunting and learning about Easter in RE. We are proud to have our work displayed at Church.

Science Day - During our science day we had lots of fun in our classes experimenting and learning new things. We also had a class workshop session with Professor Kaos. Part of the workshop included finding out more about dry ice. He showed us how dry ice doesn’t melt into a liquid as it warms up. Instead, it converts directly back into its gas in a process known as sublimation. Professor Kaos also led a whole school assembly at the end of our science day which involved many experiments including how icing sugar could be used to make fire!

World Book Day - We celebrated World Book Day with lots of different costumes representing literary characters! We took part in different book-themed activities throughout the day to share our love of reading, and welcomed in some of our school volunteers to share their favourite books with the children.

Community Lunch - We really enjoyed welcoming members of our local community into school to have lunch with us. The House Captains sat with them in the school hall, and invited them to taking part in a number of lunchtime activities including playground game, knitting and chess.

Valentine's Disco - Thank you to our amazing PTA team who transformed the hall to host a super Valentine’s Disco. The children enjoyed a very energetic time with music, games, along with a drink and snack. Funds raised from the event go to supplement activities/trips for the children at school.

Chess Evening - Mr McCann organised another competitive but fun chess night which was really well attended with current pupils challenging both past pupils and parents. Thank you to everyone who attended.

NSPCC Number Day - Children enjoyed a day of maths, art, food, music, money and games. The children enjoyed dressing as numbers and strutting their stuff on the catwalk in our 'Number Fashion Show'. Board games were enjoyed with family and friends, followed by several workshops. The children enjoyed creating patterns and translating this into music, they explored art with shape and Tangrams. They also investigated fractions and patterns making fruit kebabs. It has been an incredible day and all whilst raising funds for an amazing charity.
