RE Curriculum Intent
A drive for all children to show love in their hearts, courage in their learning and respect for each other.
This is achieved through our RE curriculum by planning experiences for our children through our curriculum drivers:
ACTIVE - Concrete resources to enhance learning of Understanding Christianity and Living Difference IIII, as well as immersive experience days, are used to embed conceptual understanding in the RE curriculum.
EXPERIENCES - Visits to our Church and other religious buildings. Visitors from representatives from both the Christian faith and different religious groups come to talk to the children to provide them with experiences that develop their understanding of religious context and provide broad opportunities that compliment and build on those from within the school setting.
DIVERSITY - Teaching across both key stages provides opportunities for children to build on their cultural awareness through consideration of different religions and developing a breadth and depth to their understanding of different faiths.
PURPOSE - Making meaningful learning is central to our teaching. Learning journeys are made clear to the children with an outcome we are working towards and the steps along the way.
RE Curriculum Implementation
RE is taught in a weekly throughout the whole school. As a Voluntary Aided School our RE curriculum predominately follows the Understanding of Christianity Scheme of Work. Christianity is a primary focus for our RE curriculum (around 2/3 of our curriculum). It follows a secure progression of knowledge and understanding and therefore teachers formally assess this part of the curriculum. The remaining part of the curriculum is taught from Living Difference IIII to expose children to other faiths. This is monitored by our RE lead through pupil conferencing of retrieval of information.
In EYFS & KS1 the learning is captured in class floor books and individual pupil work books. The majority of this curriculum is practical and discussion based so we record photos, key questions and speech bubbles in the floor books. In KS2 children record their learning in individual work books.
Planning is flexible to the learners needs and based on prior assessment. There will be a key task which has variations of this task to support and scaffold and to deepen learning. Appropriate language is scaffolded in each class with key vocabulary displayed on the working wall. Teachers model the use of this language in their teaching. Stem sentences are used to support the use this key vocabulary. We also strongly believe that within our curriculum skills should be developed alongside knowledge. Therefore we have a set of core skills at the centre of our curriculum which underpin everything we do. These build progressively as the children move through the school.
To seek out and enjoy challenges
To ask questions to extend thinking
To collaborate with others
To overcome barriers by trying out alternative and adapting or developing ideas
To assess themselves and others
To show commitment and perseverance
To connect ideas and experiences in different ways
To generate ideas and explore possibilities.
RE Curriculum Impact
Assessments of the Understanding Christianity are made by the teachers continuously and used to plan subsequent lessons. Teachers track individual progress which identify children not achieving Age Related Expectations and those exceeding them. This provides information for the pitch of teaching when learning about the next concept. The RE lead carries out termly monitoring of assessments. This involves staff conferencing around identified children. RE lead asks the teacher about the child's attainment, contributions to lesson discussions and understanding, building a picture of how the assessment was made. The RE lead will then triangulate this information with the pupil through pupil conferencing and work sampling.
We have made the decision to not assess Living Difference IIII as this curriculum provides exposure to different religions but does not build up progressively. RE lead carries out monitoring of this through pupil conferencing of the retrieval of information and knowledge.