Lockerley Primary School Uniform
Uniform is worn to develop a sense of pride in being a member
of Lockerley Primary School.
Children may wear grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress and white polo shirts.
In the summer grey shorts or blue check dresses can be worn.
Navy blue jumpers or cardigans with the school logo, are available to order from our nominated online uniform provider Flamingo Clothing.
Children may wear dark blue, grey or black socks or tights.
White socks are worn in summer.
Dark school shoes must be worn. Strapless slip-on pumps, boots, backless sandals or trainers are not allowed (trainers may be worn for some sports).
School book bags in house colours may be bought at the school office.
PE uniform is dark shorts, a house colour T-shirt and black plimsolls or trainers. Tracksuits may be worn in winter.
Children are expected to dress neatly and appropriately.
Shoulder length or long hair must be tied back.
Jewellery must not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, small studs are permitted but must be removed or covered with micro pore tape for PE.
No nail varnish or transfers to be worn at school please.