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Courage is a core value for our Church school because Jesus showed courage throughout his life by standing up for what is right and true.

In the book of Joshua, God tells his people to “be strong and courageous, do not be frightened, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”

We show a courageous attitude when we challenge ourselves to be the best that we can, stand up for what we believe and have the courage to say “no”.

As part of our collective worship we help the children learn stories from the bible which show Courage: 

Story of Daniel

Peter’s denial

Mary’s pregnancy



Easter story – Last Supper & Death on the cross

Ruth & Naomi

David & Goliath

Story of the good Samaritan

Jesus and doubting Thomas

Moses and burning bush

Story of Joseph

Disciples following Jesus

Gideon fights for God

Jesus in the temple
