School Logo

Policies (paper copies are available on request)

Accessibility Plan March 2021 - 2024

Allegations of abuse against staff March 2023 - 24

Anti Bullying Policy Oct 24 - 27

Attendance Policy June 2024

Behaviour Policy (inc Restrictive Physical Intervention) June 24

Principles of Behaviour Statement Oct 2022

Best Value Statement May 2024

Breakfast and After School Care Club June 24

Charging Policy March 23 - 24

Code of Conduct Sept 23 - 24

Collective Worship Jan 24-25

Complaints March 2023

Critical Incident Policy and Plan Feb 24 (HCC GUIDELINES)

Data Protection Policy & Privacy Notice May 2024

Designated Teacher Jan 2024 - 25

Early Years Policy March 2022 - March 2024

ECT Policy Nov 23 -24

Educational Visits Policy

Effective Feedback and Marking July 22 - July 24

E-Safety Policy June 2024

First Aid Policy April 2024

Freedom of Information 2022 ~ 2025

Health & Safety Policy May 2024

H & S Induction Programme for Volunteers

HCC Health & Safety Policy Statement (As a Voluntary Aided School it is the Governors that support this statement)

Home-School Agreement Sept 23 - 24

Induction Policy June 2023

Intimate Care Policy November 2023

RE Policy July 2024

Relationships and Sex Education Policy Nov 2023 - 24

SEND Policy November 2023

Social Media Policy Jan 24-25

Supporting children with Medical Needs March 2024

Whistle Blowing Policy Sept 2023

Uniform Policy Jan 24 - 23
