Lockerley Christmas Fayre
This afternoon saw our school's annual Christmas Fayre at our new time of 3.30pm - 5.30pm. The school hall was full of children, parents, friends and family all the way until the end. We had raffles, a tombola, a delicious winter BBQ, fun and games in Emperors class, face painting, many wonderful stalls and we had a special visit from Father Christmas who joined us in his beautifully decorated grotto. There were many smiling faces as they munched on their hot dogs and burgers as they browsed the stalls. The staff promise table was busy as always and lots of children entered themselves into one of the many prizes that they could win for themselves and their friends. Don't forget you can still buy your staff promise tickets on Monday break time if you missed out as the winners will be drawn during Monday's Collective Worship. On behalf of everyone at Lockerley we would like to say thank you to everyone that attended, supported and helped us put on another fantastic Christmas Fayre. There will be details soon of how much we raised thanks to all of your hard work.