Murphy's Visit
Hi there
Happy new year everyone! It was so good to be back at school today! I went into the Admirals class, and I was the first there - I really loved the new rug - it even had a d for dog on it! Licky lick!
To start off, I listened to Fire, Fire where Dolly the cow needed to curtsy and thieves stole John's purse, then I heard The Cave of Life where the red gubloon took the friends to see Kree-Ator, who is the living soul of Planet Kree-Mar.
Then Ilistened to The Mines of Moxor where the friends had to first find their friend, Seven, and find the fragment of Exis, but Nok was trapped in a box and a Moxorian put him into a cart! Hope he managed to escape!
See you next time. Keep reading!
Love Murphy