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Read for my School



Once again the Read for my School competition was launched today. The aim is to read as many books as you can while recording your efforts using your online log in. The competition is open to all children in Swallowtails and Emperors and everyone was sent home with a log in username and password today. A copy is kept in school so keep this one somewhere safe at home.


Last year as a Key Stage we read over 250 books and we were lucky enough to win 100 new books for our library. Our aim this year is to read over 300 books. There is a bar graph in the library to help us keep track of how many books we have read so far.


Just like at the end of the competition last year there are prizes to be won by all of those involved and I would strongly recommend taking part. The children last year who put a lot of effort in really enjoyed the experience especially reading all of the new books online. The best news is that this year you can read the books on most tablets.


If you have any questions regarding the competition or if you loose your log in please do not hesitate to ask. Happy reading.  


