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  • Romsey Festival Poetry Competition

    Wed 16 Jul 2014 Alison Attenborough

    On Wednesday 16th July six children, accompanied by parents and other family members, attended an award ceremony at The United Reform Church, Romsey to receive prizes and certificates for poems that had been entered into the Junior Poetry Competition as part of this year's Romsey Festival.


    All of the children read their poems beautifully in front of an audience. Kier, in Year 3, won second prize for his poem and Danielle, in Year 4, won first prize for her poem. Lily and Millie, in Year 5, along with Cerise and Izzy, in Year 6, received Highly Commended certificates for their poems.


    Many congratulations to our winning poets, we are truly proud of you!

  • Admirals' Dance Day

    Tue 08 Jul 2014 Miss Banks

    Yesterday and today Admirals Class have been dancing non stop in preparation for their grand dance performance which was today. Everyone danced their socks off and were smiling throughout! I am very proud with everything they have achieved over the past two days as they have worked very hard. Photos and videos can be viewed on Admirals Class page.


    Well done everyone! smiley

  • Admirals' Pet Morning

    Thu 03 Jul 2014 Miss Banks
    This morning all of the children in Admirals participated in our pet morning as our topic this term has been all about animals. We were lucky to have five visiting pets to our playground. We had a visit from Miss Lewis and her pet tortoise Alfie, Caroline and her pet cat Jasper, Ellie's dad and their dog Millie, Aaron's mum and their puppy Tilly and Joshua's mum and their guinea pig Bertie. The children visited each pet in small groups and could ask the owners their pre written questions. The children enjoyed stroking the animals and taking the dogs for walks on their leads. Everyone learnt something new and were able to apply this to their big write in the afternoon. Smiles were seen all around and everyone had a fantastic time. Thank you to all of the owners who very kindly came in and talked about their pets! The children had a wonderful time.  Take a look on the Admirals class page for more photographs.