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  • Read for My School Winners!!

    Fri 22 May 2015 Miss Banks

    Well done to everyone that took part in Read for My School this year. Certificates and prizes were given out in today's Celebration Assembly. 



    A superb effort to everyone in Year 6 because everyone in that year group entered and they read the most books. My graph in the library was climbing half way up the wall! Millie also won the book voucher for reading the most and a huge well done to Keir who read the most books in Swallowtails! I hope you both enjoy spending your voucher.  


    We look forward to next year's competition!


  • Read for My School

    Tue 19 May 2015 Miss Banks

    Although the Read for My School competition closed a few weeks ago, all results have now been collated from each year group and class. The winners will be announced in Friday's Celebration Assembly (22nd May) and prizes will be given to the class winners and children who have taken part. 


    Keep posted on the reading page under the curriculum section to see the final winners! 


  • Admirals Church Visit

    Mon 18 May 2015 Miss Banks
    On probably one the wettest and windiest days for a while, Admirals class walked up to St John's Church to meet Vicar James and learn about how water is precious to Christians. We had a lovely morning, despite the rain, and we learnt lots about how water is used in the church. We looked at the font and walked down to the river where some people are baptised. We also looked in a very old book at when and who had been baptised at St John's. Thank you to Vicar James' helpers too who told of lots of other information. Look on our class page for our photographs.
  • Year 2 Movement Festival

    Wed 13 May 2015 Miss Banks

    Today the children Year 2 went to Test Valley School to take part in a Movement Festival which was run by some of the school's Sports Leaders. The children had a very active morning which included activities such as Boccia, Human Skittles and Trampolining! There was no guess needed at the end as to which was the most favourite activity. I was extremely impressed by the children's behaviour and it was great to see them shining above the children from the other schools.


    Take a look at Admirals' class page for some photographs from the morning. Great effort Year 2!

  • Election

    Thu 07 May 2015 Amelia Allonby

    In school over the last 3 weeks the children have been learning about the General Election and voting. Emperors class have formed 4 parties of their choice and then chosen 3 main pledges their party believes are important. They have created manifestos, posters, leaflets, merchandise and speeches to try and promote their party and to explain why their pledges are the most important. The party names are:-

    Vision - The party that has a plan for everyone.

    Tomorrow- The party that wants to shape the future.

    Progress - The party that will move the country forward.

    Transform - The party that wants to make a difference.


    Every child and adult in school had the option to sign an electoral role register so that they would be issued a polling card and have the chance to vote. The polling cards were issued to them this week and this morning they are taking their cards to the polling station (hall) to get a ballot paper.


    The hall has been transformed into a polling station with a private booth to vote and a ballot box which was formally sealed with witnesses this morning before voting commenced.


    The children are enjoying the process and the 'Polling Officers' are looking forward to counting the votes ready for the winning party to be announced in celebration assembly tomorrow.


    Please have a look at the pictures as they will be updated throughout the day and we have a new 'Election Fever' display board in the front office.
