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  • Rounders Competition

    Thu 30 May 2019 Miss Grainger

    Before the half term break, 11 of our children went to the rounders competition at Test Valley. We played 6 games, each with 5 minute innings. The children played excellently, managing to maintain their winning title from the previous year, reaching first place overall, out of the 7 teams there! Miss Grainger and Mrs Kay were really proud of how they worked as a team and all supported one another. 


    As well as our great success, these children made us proud for another reason. A teacher from one of the cluster schools expressed how Lockerley C o E Primary School were his favourite opponents, as we acted respectfully and were kind sports-people. This is reflective of our values here at Lockerley and we are so pleased that other people can recognise these in our children.


    Well done team!

  • Pirate Day in Admiral Class

    Fri 24 May 2019 Miss Lilly

    Admirals received a note from Long John Silver thanking them for their letters warning the pirates about a monster. To say thank you, he left a trail of clues around school which led to treasure - gold bars!


    The Year 1 children had created maps and the Year 2 children had to follow the maps today to find the treasure. The children have also spent the day writing pirate character descriptions, playing pirate themed games and walking the plank.


    Thank you to all the parents for helping to provide their amazing costumes and a big thank you to Lottie's mum for making pirate themed cakes for the children to enjoy. 

  • No Single-Use Plastic

    Fri 10 May 2019

    Lemon and Jinga

    As part of our strive to reduce the amount of Single-Use Plastic we invited Jesse in from the shop 'Lemon & Jinga' to talk to the children about our responsibility to look out for our planet. Jesse has opened Romsey's local package-free store, encourgaing a zero waste way of living. She helped the children remember the role they play in the fight against plastic with 4 R's


    Refuse - 'Please can I order an orange juice, without a straw'

    Reduce - Use a bag for life shopping bag

    Reuse - Have a reusable plastic bottle 

    Remind - Remind parents of the role we have to play to save our planet. 
