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  • Dalgety win intra-house cross country

    Thu 23 Oct 2014 Ruth Appleby

    On Tuesday afternoon the whole school descended onto Butts Green to participate in our first ever intra-house cross country competition. Year R kick started the event completing a half lap of the green while the other children cheered them on. The other year groups followed on with the children in years 1 and 2 completing one whole lap, year 3 and 4 two laps and year 5 and 6 going the distance and completing 3 laps. I was extremely proud of all the children who showed great teamwork by supporting each other and determination by keeping going, even through the dreaded stitch!

    Well done to the children who won their individual year group races;

    Finlay (R)

    Sebastian (1)

    Toby (2)

    Ben S (3)

    Keir (4)

    Mark (5)

    James (6)

    and a massive well done to every single child who completed their own race and earnt valuable points for their house. Our overall winners were Dalgety.

  • Sir Harold Hilliers School Trip

    Tue 14 Oct 2014 Miss Banks

    Today Admirals and Skippers went on a fabulous school trip to Hilliers. Luckily the weather was quite kind to us and we only had a bit of drizzly rain.


    The children had a great time and were able to participate in many activities which will help them in their learning in class. We made leaf curtains, colourful caterpillars and went on a leaf hunt. The children were also in awe at all of the wonderful autumnal colours they could see around the garden and enjoyed picking up leaves and seeds as they went along. It may be a good idea to check their pockets!!


    Take a look on our class pages to see some lovely photographs.

  • Readathon

    Wed 01 Oct 2014 Miss Banks



    Readathon was launched in Collective Worship today. The children watched a short video explaining what readathon was and everyone should have taken home a sponsorship form and a letter with a bookmark.


    The aim is the raise money for children's charities while having fun reading. In addition, the school receives 20% of the total money raised. The children need to set themselves a goal of how much reading they would like to do. Children in Skippers class have set themselves goals of how many books they are going to share at home. Then find some sponsors who will sponsor you money to try and reach your goal.


    Remember the closing date for Readathon is Wednesday 5th November.


    If you have any questions or need a new sponsorship form please come and find me.


    Miss Banks smiley
