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  • Test Valley Challenge Day

    Tue 28 Apr 2015 Mr Dodson

    4 children from year 5 were lucky enough to attend the annual Test Valley Challenge Day today. Tom, Ben W, Sophie and Ben K all took part in a range of activiites that included: movie directing; writing a  picture inspired haiku; being an Italian weather forecaster; running an ice cream factory (Tom came 3rd out of everybody there); and becoming a sports nutrition coach.

    The children had a great morning meeting and working with children from other schools and their behaviour was impeccable as always.

  • House Netball

    Fri 24 Apr 2015

    It was House competition time again on Friday afternoon as children from key stage 2 took part in the House Netball tournament.

    It was a very competitive affair with some incredibly close and tense matches, but of course in the end there can only be one winner.

    Congratulations go to Ayleward (Millie, Lily F, James B, Bella, Aaron, Ben W, Louis) who won all of their matches and were therefore deserved champions.

    All the children who took part need to be congratulated for playing the competition in such a good spirit.


    Please see below for the results.


    Rolle v Dalgety - 0-1

    Nightingale v Ayleward - 1-2

    Rolle v Nightingale - 2-2

    Dalgety v Ayleward - 2-3

    Rolle v Ayleward - 0-6

    Nightingale v Dalgety - 1-0


    Ayleward - 9 points

    Nightingale - 4 points

    Dalgety - 3 points

    Rolle - 1 point

