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  • Nobody does it better!

    Sat 27 Feb 2016 Miss Jackson
    Skippers worked very hard this week in their gymnastics lessons to learn how to make straight, star, tuck, pike and straddle shapes.  They learnt to make sequences  and show how they could combine this in floor work and on apparatus.  They performed with great enthusiasm to the rest of the school and their parents accompanied by the theme music from James Bond!  More pictures can be found on the class web page.
  • Murphy's Blog

    Tue 23 Feb 2016 Murphy
    Hi there
    It was so nice to sit on the rug with all the admirals again.  Millie and I sat on e for egg together, then I stretched out between o for orange and j for jelly (I've got very long legs). 
    After the register, I settled down to hear The Nutcracker, where Uncle Fergus bought presents for everyone, including a magic nutcracker for Clara to help her sleep and give her wonderful dreams.
    Then I listened to Swamp Crash where the spaceship has to make a crash landing, and after that, I heard The Horse Prince, where Prince Axel couldn't talk - he could only neigh like a horse.  I wish I could talk!  That would be amazing wouldn't it?
    Keep reading
    love Murphy
  • Inter-House Spelling Challenge

    Fri 12 Feb 2016 Miss Banks

    This morning the whole school joined together in the hall to take part in the annual Inter-House Spelling Challenge. The children showed exemplary behaviour and I was most impressed with the older children and the support they showed towards the younger children.


    Each year group had a set of spellings and challenges related to the spellings they should know in their year group. They all had a good go at the spellings and supported each other accordingly.


    The final results were:

    1st - Dalgety - 94

    2nd - Rolle - 90

    3rd - Aylward - 84.5

    4th - Nightingale - 84


    Well done to everyone that took part. Check out the photos below.

  • Great Fire of London Exhibition

    Fri 12 Feb 2016 Miss Hynes
    Admirals put on an amazing Great Fire of London exhibition for their parents to come and see yesterday afternoon. The children have worked hard all term creating diary extracts in English, fire alarms in Science, using picture sources as evidence in History and making the most fantastic moving fire engines in DT. Thank you to all the parents who came to see the children's hard work!
  • Pancake Day 2016

    Thu 11 Feb 2016 A jackson
    Skippers had a great time making and tasting pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.  We were really impressed by how good Nanny was at tossing pancakes!  Fo more pictures please visit Skippers Class page.
  • 1st @ Girls Indoor Football

    Thu 11 Feb 2016

    On Tuesday after school Taz, Annabel, Sophie, Tiffany, Chloe and Sienna went to Test Valley School to play against other schools in the cluster at an indoor football competition.

    The girls started well winning their first game 1:0 and as they settled into the competition they worked well as a team supporting each other and showing off some impressive football skills.

    They went on to draw the next game followed by another win which meant that they were in the final.

    During the final the girls played amazingly well winning 4:0 with all of the goals scored by Sienna.

    What a super effort from the Girls football team - well done :)



    Annabel and Chloe's Football Report


    On Tuesday 9th February Sienna, Annabel, Sophie.R, Taz, Tiffany and Chloe took part in the Test Valley girl’s football tournament. After a pep talk from Mr.Dodson the girls were all ready to be crowned the champions. Some of the girls went in Mrs.Black’s car whilst the rest travelled in Mrs.Rose’s car to Test Valley’s sports hall. Once in the sports hall, the players listened to the instructions and were first up to play against Wherwell in the first round. After a whole lot of kicking and lots of hard work, the players had finished the first match and had scored their way to victory! After a brilliant win the future athletes could now celebrate and rest until their next match against King Somborne. Enjoying their first success, the winners watched closely from the side to see who to watch out for. Hoping for another win, Lockerley was called up for their next match against King Somborne. Fighting for a medal, the children were determined to win against 6 schools that day.  It was a close match and eventually the whistle was blown and they were declared joint winners. Taking the lead in the scores they were now even more excited and nervous about their next matches. Since winning most of their matches it put Lockerley in a very good position and was first on the scoreboard. With coming first on the leader board that meant that we were automatically in the FINAL! After quite a few more matches we knew that Lockerley were against Stockbridge in the final. With a lot of courage and hope the players were finally up and in position. This was it! The children put everything they had in them into the match and after a lot of playing and double the hard work they made it an outstanding 4 nil to us. Screaming and shouting for joy, they had done it! The shining medals hung round their necks, it was a very enjoyable journey back! Well done girls!

  • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    Wed 03 Feb 2016 Miss Banks
    This afternoon, Emperors class enjoyed a visit to Test Valley School to see this year's adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We all had a great afternoon picking up on tips for our own drama performances. We especially liked the use of the lightsabers and the Star Wars reference. Looking forward to next year! 
  • Book Fair

    Mon 01 Feb 2016 Miss Banks

    This afternoon we had a book fair! P.G Wells from Winchester brought in a selection of books for the children to have a look at and buy. There was a huge variety and some popular choices too such as 'Dennis the Menace' and 'Star Wars'.


    Thank you to everyone who came and brought a book. P.G Wells mentioned what a lovely school we had with wonderfully polite children and they had a great afternoon sharing their books with us. The school earned £52.46 in commission to spend in their shop. Shortly I will make a visit and purchase some new and exciting books for our library after speaking with the children and staff. 

  • Storytelling

    Mon 01 Feb 2016 Miss Banks

    This morning we had a storyteller, called Chris, who came in to tell the children lots of stories to hopefully inspire them for the writing of their 500 word story. Each class listened to different stories from familiar stories to stories not frequently told. We had a great morning and enjoyed all of the stories that Chris told us giving us lots of ideas for our writing. Daniel in Skippers said 'Chris used her imagination and used different voices'.


    Take a look at the pictures below.
