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  • Inter-House Dance

    Wed 19 Jul 2017

    This week all of the children in Year R - 5 competed in the Inter-House dance competition. The children took part in two days of dance to choreograph and memorise their dance routine. The Year 6 children were the judges, judging the children on three aspects. We took their average scores to determine the winner. Results are as follows. 


    4th - Aylward

    3rd - Nightingale

    2nd - Dalgety

    1st - Rolle


    Thank you to all of the teachers too that danced for two days straight! 

  • Year 6 Art

    Fri 14 Jul 2017 Miss Banks
    A huge thank you to Gordon Wood who came in Friday afternoon to work with the children in Year 6. They were each given a fish to paint which will be used to decorate Dunbridge Train Station. The fish all looked fantastic. Look out for the fish at the station. 
  • Poetry Competition

    Thu 13 Jul 2017 Miss Banks
    A huge congratulations to Keir, Sophie, Arthur and Iris who were awarded 'highly commendable' for the their poems in the Romsey Festival poetry writing competition. On Wednesday they went to the United Reformed Church in Romsey to read their poems to an audience and receive their certificates. Great work to all of the children who also wrote fantastic poems as part of our whole school writing project. 
  • Race for Life 2017

    Tue 11 Jul 2017

    On a scorching hot Thursday afternoon the whole of Lockerley School and the community descended onto Butts Green to take part in our very own first Race for Life.

    The children had been busy collecting sponsors and writing their own 'I Race for Life for...' back signs to show support for the Cancer Research Charity. 

    The event started with a warm up led by members of the SSOC, not that a warm up was really required on such a hot day!!! Soon after the race began with the children, members of staff, parents and supporters choosing either the long course round the entire green or the short course round the top of the green. The children were cheered on as they went by with cool drinks from the supporters waiting in the shade.

    After half an hour the bell rang and the children made their way to the finish line to collect their medals. We don't have a final final total yet but so far we have raised an absolutely astonishing £1400!! WOW! Amazing work Lockerley School.

  • Food Waste

    Wed 05 Jul 2017 Miss Banks

    Well done to all of the Year 5 and Year 6's who took part in our food waste competition this half term. The children had to take home a food waste diary over a period of two weeks and record the food that they had wasted throughout the day. Anna, who volunteers for Hampshire County Council, came in and gave us ideas on ways to reduce our food waste. For the second time we recorded our food waste there was a significant reduction in food waste which is fantastic. Children mentioned that instead of throwing their crusts away they either gave them to their mum or tried a different type of bread. 


    The overall winners were Year 5. They won a reusable bag which included some 'food huggers' and other kitchen utensils to help reduce food waste. Year 6's also won a bag with goodies inside too.


    On our class page you can find the PowerPoint presentations that Anna used with all of the results. 


    Thank you to everyone that took part.
