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Autumn 2

Swallowtails and Emperors teamed up for our first French day! We learned French greetings, numbers to 20, and names for French food items. We then used our knowledge to order food in our own French cafe! It was tres bien!

Emperors enjoyed a trip to Burseldon Brickwork museum to see how the Industrial Revolution changed local areas, all linked to our Victorian learning.

Using our understanding of the first quadrant in maths and our work on suspension bridges in Design and Technology, Emperors produce parabola curve Christmas cards, with excellent results.

Final work on our bridges, we are lloking forward to sharing them with you at our Celebration of Learning.

Victorian Day was a huge success, aided by loss of power which gave a very authentic finale to the day. The children took part in script, Bible Studies, needlework, Arithmetic and Victorian Play.

More images from our Calligraphy day

An amazing morning spent with Chief Scribe from Winchester Cathedral - learning the foundation skills for calligraphy - as part of our History unit.

The children have started the process of building their bridges, plenty of measuring, hacksaw use, glue gun sticking and lots of smiles.

We have produced our prototypes for our bridges, a few errors and changes along the way but a lor of reflection, evaluating and adaption.

Emperors have been reading, exploring and reviewing the Illustrated Book Awards for Hampshire, they have voted on their winning books

Emperors have been investigating and researching bridges as part of our Design and Technology unit. We found that a beam bridge is stronger when made thicker, and that truss structures make them even stronger. The children used Meccano to see which shape was the strongest.

Emperors wrote 'Wanted' posters for the character Grimy Nick, using figurative language for their descriptions

As part of our Remembrance Day Service, Emperors children wrote poems which they then recited to both Junipers and Swallowtails class.

Continuing our Science unit of Light, we made Pin Hole Cameras. Some children were able to see what happens with the image in a pin hole camera, others struggled but could identify where their camera could be improved.

We used conscience alley to decide if Jim should try to escape the workhouse, the children then wrote arguments for their thoughts.

In English we hot seated as Jim Jarvis and in Maths we were finding equivalent fractions.

Welcome back! The children have been exploring Victorian based literature this week; Oliver Twist and Street Child. We have been exploring different nouns and how they can be used in our writing. In Maths we have completed our multiplication and division unit.
