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Summer 2


We have really enjoyed our Summer Term Listen2Me lessons learning brass instruments. We have learned to play trombones, baritones or cornets. See below videos from our end of term concert.

Science / Art / Music

We had a lot of fun combining our Science, Art and Music learning! We finished our Science topic of sound by creating our own junk model musical instruments. We then thought about the different notes, rhythms and sounds each instrument could create, as well as how their sounds combined best together. We performed to Junipers and Emperors in a 'Battle of the Bands'!


We have been learning about different colour tones in Art. We created our own paintings inspired by Disney's Fantasia 2000.

Outdoor Learning

We had fun in our last outdoor learning session with Junipers class. We worked in our House Teams to move the water from one bucket to the other, while only being allowed to move when we weren't holding the water! We used buckets, pipes and guttering to help us, and we had to move the water through the tyre and under the tarpaulin. This took a lot of team work!


We have been learning about different tones of colour. We spent the afternoon experimenting with mixing different colours with white and black to create different tones, and painted tonal ranges in our sketchbooks.


We have been learning about sound in Science lessons. We have been investigating how sound travels and how vibrations of sound get smaller as they spread out over distance, getting quieter and quieter. We looked closely at a telephone and explored how sound energy in your voice turns into electrical energy, which is transported down a wire. We had fun creating our own string telephones and investigated how sound energy from vibrations was passed through the solid string.


We have enjoyed starting a new witch related English topic, this time The Wizard of Oz. Having watched the film at the end of Camp Swallowtails, we are preparing to write to write a debate on whether or not Dorothy should have gone home at the end. To prepare for this, we have been practising our persuasive debating skills, and took part in a conscience alley where we wrote arguments for and against the wizard's choices in the film.

Outdoor Learning

We took part in an art activity called Hapa Zome, which is where plants are folded into material and hit, allowing them to dye the fabric. We used this technique to create Father's Day cards.


We have been learning about sculpture in art. We learned about some famous sculptures and what they are built from. Inspired by our learning about The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, we created the white witch's garden which is full of creatures that she has turned to stone! We designed our creatures in our books, then practised different clay sculpting techniques before creating our final projects. We have shared our sculptures with artists at Roche Court.

Camp Swallowtails!

We had an amazing time at Camp Swallowtails! We walked to Lockerley Water Farm, and spent the evening playing games and setting up our dormitories. We enjoyed a fire pit where we toasted marshmallows and listened to stories, before heading to bed. After a "good" night's sleep, we enjoyed pastries for breakfast and parachute games on the field before heading back to school - tired but happy!


In RE, we have been learning about the Hindu celebration of Mahashiviratri. We found out about how Hindus show devotion to their gods through puja. We learned about different objects used, including a bell to signify being ready for worship, diva lamps, and kum kum powder to mark the forehead as sign of respect. 
