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Summer 1

Outdoor Learning

We enjoyed Outdoor Learning with Junipers again, this time learning how to whittle wood using potato peelers! We made a number of different items including swords and wands, and loved enjoying the sunshine together! We also did some gardening, and practised athletic skills on the field.


For our Science longitudinal study, we discussed how the pond had changed since our last visit and sketched what the pond looks like now and what wildlife we could see. We then used nets to see what wildlife was in the water and used identification sheets to name them. We discovered snails, pond skaters and even a very large dragonfly larvae!


We started our art unit by drawing our portraits. We split a photo in half, and used it to draw the other half of our face as accurately as possible. Then, we took inspiration from our class text of 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. We thought about our face being the Grand High Witch's mask, and drew our own witchy face underneath! Hopefully you can tell which is which!


We have been having lots of fun developing our skills in rounders. We have learned correct technique for holding and swinging the bat safely, different types of throws and a range of catches. We worked together to use these skills in games.

Outdoor Learning

We really enjoyed teaming up with Junipers Class for our Outdoor Learning this week. We identified different trees in our school grounds, did bark rubbings and used magnifying glasses to closely inspect the bark! We even enjoyed a tree-themed game!


We finished our Geography topic by answering our key question of 'What makes a country rich?' When we thought about this in January, we only talked about money, but now we listed lots of other ideas including music, museums, people, food and kindness. We worked in groups to rate which ideas we felt were the most important.


We are very excited to be learning how to play brass instruments this term! For our first lesson, we learned how to press our lips against the mouthpiece and blow down the tube to make a sound on a trombone, baritone or cornet. We then played different rhythms on our instruments and a few of us were invited to come to the front to play rhythms for the class to copy.


In Science we dissected flowers to identify its different parts. We then learned what job each of these parts does, and why this is important to the flower.


We enjoyed starting our new English topic of 'The Witches' by Roald Dahl. We worked in groups to act out scenes from one of the early chapters, and shared them with the rest of the class. We also designed Wanted posters to help the characters in the book catch a witch!
