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Summer 1

Church Service

Well done Junipers on a fantastic church service where they told everyone about Pentecost and the birth of the church. They also sang a brilliant version of This Little Light of Mine with splendid actions. 

Village Walk

Despite not being able to go on our trip to the farm we enjoyed a lovely local walk instead. We used our map skills that we have been learning about in Geography to locate the woods and then planned a route there. We looked at different trees and talked about why some had leaves, some had needles and some didn't have leaves near the bottom of their trunks. Then we stopped for a snack and built some dens and fairy houses before heading back to school for lunch.

Outdoor Learning

We enjoyed Outdoor Learning with Swallowtails again, this time learning how to whittle wood using potato peelers! We made a number of different items including swords and wands, and loved enjoying the sunshine together! We also did some gardening, and practised athletic skills on the field.

Physical Development

Junipers enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the sunshine learning some new games with the parachute such as fruit salad and duck duck goose and learning how to throw the vortex.

Tri Golf

Some Junipers children went to Broughton School on Thursday for a Tri-Golf tournament. The children got to try lots of different golfing activities like chipping the ball over the river, golf bowling, hitting the ball at a target and using the driving range. The children really enjoyed it and learnt lots of new skills.

Outdoor Learning

We really enjoyed teaming up with Junipers Class for our Outdoor Learning this week. We identified different trees in our school grounds, did bark rubbings and used magnifying glasses to closely inspect the bark! We even enjoyed a tree-themed game!

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

A book was delivered from Professor Klunk via a new zip line that appeared in Juniper's outside area. After reading the story and finding out that the way to stop the Seagull's stealing Mr Grinling's lunch was to put out horrible sandwiches the children decided to create their own sandwiches. They planned what they would put in their sandwich using a range of spreads from Marmite to truffle spread to unnamed chutneys and then they made their own 'delicious' sandwiches and hung them on the zip wire. We will find out if any birds were brave enough to eat them!! 


The children have really enjoyed learning their first joins for handwriting and practising these in the outside area.
