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Summer 2

Year 6 children attended their Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral on Friday 21st June. It was an exciting day for all, we started the day with a welcome to all schools and the presentation of the school banners. We then headed off for our first activity of a scavenger hunt - finding important features around the Cathedral and discovering interesting facts about them. The children then had their workshop, which involved an archaeological dig, finding pieces of a stained glass window and discovering which bible story it was depicting. The weather was fabulous so we enjoyed our lunch in the grounds. Finally it was time for the service led by The Bishop of Winchester, the children were impeccably well behaved and should be very proud of themselves.

Emperors class have been working on an Enterprise Project, researching products they could make and sell. They have had to research all materials needed and identify costs involved. They are in the process of now creating their products before advertising them for sale.

As part of our Leavers Service at Winchester Cathedral, the children were tasked with producing a sculpture based on Antony Gormley's 'Field of Dreams' art instalment.

Emperors have been designing and creating their Greek Tragedy Masks. The children have shown real determination and resilience producing these.
