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Dalgety win intra-house cross country

On Tuesday afternoon the whole school descended onto Butts Green to participate in our first ever intra-house cross country competition. Year R kick started the event completing a half lap of the green while the other children cheered them on. The other year groups followed on with the children in years 1 and 2 completing one whole lap, year 3 and 4 two laps and year 5 and 6 going the distance and completing 3 laps. I was extremely proud of all the children who showed great teamwork by supporting each other and determination by keeping going, even through the dreaded stitch!

Well done to the children who won their individual year group races;

Finlay (R)

Sebastian (1)

Toby (2)

Ben S (3)

Keir (4)

Mark (5)

James (6)

and a massive well done to every single child who completed their own race and earnt valuable points for their house. Our overall winners were Dalgety.
