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Murphy's Visit


I was back with Swallowtails today, by the teacher's throne, and I heard several exciting Beast Quests books.
The first one was one in the Amulet of Avantia series, read by Alfie (that's all A's!) then I listened to Kaymon the Gorgon Hound, where Tom found a lock of chestnut hair in the wall which was the same colour as his own.  Was it his father's?  You'll have to read it to find out!
Next we changed to Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth, where Greg threw a pillow across the room to remind himself to take a permission slip to school, and then I listened to even more Beast Quest in Ferno the Fire Dragon, where an evil wizard has enchanted the magical land of Avantia, and only a true hero can break his spell. Can Tom do it?


Finally I heard the last Beast Quest of the day - Hecton the Body Snatcher, where Tom and his companions are faced with a new menace! The Body Snatcher is prowling the land, feeding on his unlucky victims' flash. To reduce Freya and Silver from the land of Tavania, Tom must defeat this wicked Beast of doom...but we ran out of time to see if he managed it! 


See you next time! 


Love Murphy